Our Team


Founder / Board Chair

Teresa Fee

Teresa is passionate about protecting all living creatures, cats holding a very special place in her heart. She was always concerned about homeless animals growing up and has been helping animals in need since 2002.

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Keesha Lancaster

Keesha's primary responsibilities at LPAC are fostering, transport to veterinary care, and administrative tasks. She is the daughter of the LPAC founder and is proud to be part of a team who loves and cares for animals as much as she does.


Outreach Coordinator

Krystal Johnston

Krystal's primary responsibilities at LPAC are organizing fundraising efforts, helping publicize those efforts, and forging ties with local businesses and organizations to foster visibility for LPAC. She also serves as a foster home for kittens and cats in the rescue. Her primary job is Scientific Communications Scientist/Medical Writer in the medical device arena at Cook Research Incorporated.


Media Coordinator

Rachel Rettig

Rachel's primary responsibilities at LPAC include managing our website and Instagram account, and making fundraising/awareness videos to support our mission. She is passionate about animal rescue and informally rescued/homed several stray animals in Battle Ground, IN personally before she joined LPAC. Her primary job is a Software Developer for Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) in Carmel, IN.


Treasurer & Technical Support

Nicholas Johnston

Nicholas' primary responsibilities at LPAC are providing computer-related support (e.g., image editing). In October 2020, he began to facilitate organization of day-to-day financial records to allow creation of budgets and facilitate timely completion of tax documents.



Kayla Lancaster

Kayla's primary responsibilities at LPAC are to accurately record meeting notes. She is the daughter of the LPAC founder and is committed to making a real difference for these animals. Her primary job is in restaurant service.